Thursday, September 30, 2010

One More Time Lyrics- Michael W. Smith

There always seems to be a door that you can't open
There always seems to be a mountain you can't climb
But you keep on reaching, You just keep on reaching
When your destiny is out there in the distance
But the road aheads a mine field in diguise
And you keep on moving, You just keep on movig
You will make it through this
Just give it time
You gotta give it time

This is what you're made for
Standing in the downpour
Knowing that the sun will shine
Forget what lies behind you
Heaven walks beside you
You got to give it one more try
One more time (time)

You just keep reaching
You just keep on, you keep on moving
When the shadows fall on everything your dreaming
When the promises turn out to be a lie
You just keep believing
You just keep believing
Oh, don't stop your dreaming
Its gonna be alright
Its gonna be alright

This is what you're made for
Standing in the downpour
Knowing that the sun will shine
Forget what likes behind you
Heaven walks beside you
You got to give it one more try

~This is a new favorite song of mine that I absolutely love. Its SUCH an encouraging and empowering song to remind us how we are NEVER alone, and how we were called to this earth for a purpose. It may not always be easy, it may feel like a downpour at times, but the sun will shine again. To those who have lost hope...and forgotten their way...for those who have stopped dreaming, and feel they have gone astray...never stop trying. Its gonna be alright :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

There is a Time and a Season for every thing...

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven...He hath made every thing beautiful in his time..." Ecc 3:1-12

How often do we wish things to happen in our time frame, when we want it, at our demand? Whether it be a prayer answered, or a healed relationship, something fixed, or feelings towards someone that we want returned quickly. This is all too common in our society. Its all about instant gratification. I want it, and I want it now. This can cause unsettling feelings to arise, and peace to be destroyed. Doubt creeps into our minds and hearts, and opportunities can be missed. I LOVE this scripture. It has been one of my favorites for quite some time. It helps us to remember that God is in control..there is a time and a season for every thing in our lives. Some periods we go through are rough, some are joyous. Some times everything falls apart, and sometimes everything falls into place. As long as we put our trust in our Heavenly Father and in his power, knowing, through hope, that there is always beauty in the unknown. Patience is key...savoring what we DO have instead of what we dont. Dwelling on what is there to be joyous about, verses what isnt. That is a comfort. Having the faith to realize it is all in God's timing and it WILL be beautiful.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Lord I'm in the dark..seems to me the light is dead when I come calling, theres no one there, the sky is falling. Lord I need to know, my mind is playing games again, your right where you have always been. Take me back to you..a place that I once knew, as a little child, constantly the eyes of God watch over me, all I want to the place that I once knew, as a little child, fall into the better place prepared for me. I will rest in you...I will rest in you...I will rest in you..."

Where would we be without God's healing power? He heals our bodies, he heals our minds, and he can heal our spirits. He blesses us with strength, and with other people around us, as angels to lift us up. What a comfort that is to know, that we are never alone...even in the darkest of hours..the toughest of times, we have him. Always there. Rest in him. Knowing he is all powerful, almighty, and all knowledgeable. I love how he can work through other people to bless us or answer our prayers when we need it. I'm so grateful for the power of prayer, and the power of just resting in him. Being still, and knowing he is God. We can't control life, or the people around us, but we can live through him and his peace, that he can constantly hand us, if we just believe...and rest in his love, and in his arms.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

LOVE LOVE LOVE this quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

-- Marianne Williamson
Listen To My Heart Speek

Wise words I live by are:
To be who I want to be
To dream bigger and smile harder
To think more and reach farther
To be my own person will set myself free
If I don't copy anybody else, I haveto be me
To take the train regardless of destination
To take on new challenges without hesitation
To look fear in the eye, hate in the face
Never lose patience, hope, or grace
To keep my chin up and stand up tall
To pick myself up no matter how many times I may fall
To dream, to think, to have ideas all of my own
Everyday my bright smile should be shown
To hold no grudges, forgive and forget
To appoligize even if I didn't start it
As time goes on and seasons change
In my heart, I remain the same
To be all that I can be
To go as far as I can see
That no matter what it is Im doing...I do it as me


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Blog Title..

I neverfully explained why I decided to title my blog "Come What May and Love It" This is why...
We all know how life is. It has its has its downs. We have moments of happiness, sadness, anger, hatred, love, hope, peace, distraught, confusion, and emptiness. We love, we loose. We pain, we grow. No matter what comes our matter what we must endure or what we go through, I choose to strive forward with this statement: Come What May and Love It. You dont always have control over everything that happens to you. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes its just pure consequences for decisions we make. Good, or bad. But I made a promise to myself, and to God, that no matter what may come my way, I will endure to the best of my ability, and love it by finding the good and joy. Sometimes it takes awhile, and sometimes I'm not the best at it. But thats why I ask for forgiveness and try again the next day. I write of encouraging things..not just because I want to uplift and help any one who reads this to find good in things...but also to help others realize that even when things get rough...we still have things to look forward to in this life. I may not know what that all contains...I'm still learning and growing every day. I struggle too. But thats apart of being human. Its not worth it be be down and negative all the time. Its not worth it to hate yourself and have no worth at all. Its not worth it be angry and hate the world for things that happen that you had no control over. Its not worth dwelling on what is wrong. Its not worth it. None of it. I've been down that road. I never want to go back. Granted, we all have those moments. But a life spent that way, is no life at all. Whatever energy is left, after all thats said and done...throw it towards seeing light. There is always ligt to be matter how long it takes. We have been blessed to live on earth for a purpose. What that prupose is...well, thats up to you to find out, for I believe its different for every person. But we do, individually. Love it...whatever may come. A motto to live by.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Josh Groban-Hidden Away

This song has deep and take in all that is being said. Its perfect. I love it. Such an encouraging and uplifting song. It touches my heart... I hope you enjoy too!!

Over mountains and sky blue seas, on great circles will you watch for me
The sweetest feeling I've got inside, I just can't wait to get lost in your eyes
And all these words that you meant to say, held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave, please dont keep them...hidden away

Sing it out so I can finally breathe, And I cant take in all the same
Holding out for something I believe in, All I really need today
I want to free your heart, I want to see your heart, please dont keep your heart...hidden away

You;re a wonder, how bright you shine, a flickering candle in a short lifetime
A secret dreamer that never shows, if no one sees you then nobody knows
All these words you were meant t osay, held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave, please dont keep them...hidden away

Sing it out so Ican finally breathe, And I cant take in all the same
Reaching out for someone I believe in, All I really need today
I want to feel your love, will you reveal your love, please dont keep your love...hidden away

I want to free your heart, I want to see your heart, please dont keep your heart...hidden away


Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."

I found this quote on a friends facebook page, and had to steal it : ) haha. This is something I find vital in life-coming to the realization that hurt, broken hearts, sadness- is all apart of life, and apart of love. We cant love if we dont risk to love, and we dont risk to love, because were afraid of getting hurt, either because we have been hurt before, or because were afriad of what that hurt might be like. Once you come to that realization, everything changes. Everyone is going to hurt you-whether it be a family member, a friend, or someone your in love with. You know why? Its because we have too high of expectations of other people AND were human and we all mess up. Life doesnt turn out the way we plan. Neither do those that love us. Some are worth the hurt and the pain...some arent. Thats up to you to decide. But dont be afraid to love because of the pain. Be afraid to love because of how great it can change your life, whether it lasts or not. That will then turn into a desire, and that fear will disappear. They may be far and few in between, but there is always someone out there worth suffering for.