Sunday, February 8, 2015


Tonight I was sitting in a church meeting, gathering all the youth and talking to them about service and love. One of the speakers mentioned Mother Teresa, and her comment about if she were to do nothing, it would be as if one drop of the ocean was lost. Speaking how every single person, no matter who they are, can make a difference, even if it is makes ALL the difference. I found this quote from her on many different websites and I just wanted to share my thoughts on it for a moment.

Life is not about riding through the storms...making due with what we have, and just enduring it. Its about finding joy along the journey, even if its not the easiest or happiest journey. This is something I struggle with, as I am sure many people do. We feel accomplished that we are enduring with what we are given. But its not about enduring. Its about enduring well. And as we endure, we must learn to be happy, and learn to love. That is the entire point of coming to this earth. So why not make someone else happy in the process of the journey you are on to accomplish the same thing? It will make all the difference, and allow you the opportunity to enjoy your life more. Wherever you go, share your love. NO matter how small, or simple. Show you care. Get out of yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and just be kind. Be selfless. Not all the time. But a lot of the time. In this, you find true happiness.