Tuesday, August 30, 2011


"There is a great power that emanates from good women who, in the midst of the pressures of the day, arise above their challenges in a mighty force for righteousness." - Kapp

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find her." -Unknown

-These are two of my favorite quotes on the power that women have. We do not even begin to understand the power within ourselves...to change lives, through love, understanding, nuturing hearts that we, as women, have been blessed with. A thirst for righteousness...a thirst to do good and to be good. That alone will do great and marvelous things in the world. We ARE wonderful. We CAN do great things. We WILL change the world. Through the Lord anything is possible, and we can do all things. Allow people to know the Savior because they know YOU.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Something New.

So today I decided to try a little something different. I decided to post one of my poems on my blog. Never been public before. So tell me what you think :)

Along the Road

Taking it day by day...waiting for some clarity and direction along the way.

Take this heart of mine-shape it into your desire.

Love me, accept me, prove me.

Show me all the life lessons I need to acquire.

Along this road, that we call life.

One step in front of the other.

Struggling, learning, growing.

Allowing our bodies and minds to fully strive.

Access to another world. Another perspective. Another mind. Dont miss a beat, or you could fall desperately behind.

Focus. Stay on track. Dont loose hope.

Misinterpretation, misguided...always leads to growth.

Taking a breath. Breathing...in and out. Never understanding what this life is all about.

Don't loose faith...along this road. Words unspoken..life changing-untold.

All we have is the day up ahead.

New experience. Learning from past mistakes. Disappointments.

Yeseterday-rejection. Today-new direction. Tomorrow-can lead to perfection.

This is all we need. A new day ahead...along this road...accumulating perfection...quite magnificent indeed.