Friday, January 24, 2014

"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

I felt like this quote was the perfect opening to my come-back post. Its been almost a year since my last one, and a lot has changed being a mother (of the cutest boy ever). But one thing has not changed--my heart and desire to constantly overcome weaknesses. This is my newest one. Enjoy! :)

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." -Matt 7:1-2

I am sure, as women, we all struggle with this. It is one of the most natural things to do sometimes--judge others. Even when I dont mean to, I catch myself making a judgement on someone I DONT EVEN KNOW, simply from something that was said or seen. Not always negative, but definitely not always accurate. Why do we do this? I am not entirely sure--I just blame it on the imperfection of man. haha But in all seriousness, this is the furthest attribute to becoming more Christ like. 
I, for one, hate when people judge me, especially when they dont even know me. Too young, immaturity, too naive, not capable, or my favorite--ditzy. So I like to laugh, sue me! Life is hard enough as it is to be serious all the time. This one I have learned the hard way. But regardless, no one likes to be judged! Just like the saying, "dont judge a book by its cover", or the one I quoted earlier "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle". You have NO idea the struggles someone else is going through. Everyone acts the way they do for a reason (even if it is unknown to them). I cannot begin to imagine the battles that people I have judged, have or are going through--if I knew, I would be ashamed of myself. I am always trying to understand people and why they do the things they do, and yet I still catch myself creating judgements when I shouldnt, even when I understand WHY. What is the answer? How do we overcome this? Just like for everything else, the answer is LOVE. You cant judge someone when you learn to truly love them. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Think the best of them, until they give you a real reason to think the worst. Most often times they wont. People are just people, struggling the same way I am...and you are. When you find reasons to love, hate and judgement leave. Its that simple. Not always that easy...but I know, from personal experience, that when we choose to love people, in spite of all our weaknesses, we ultimately see the beauty and the blessing behind it. Lets LOVE. <3 font="">