Saturday, July 31, 2010

Charlie St. Cloud-- This movie was profound, in my opinion. I just got back from the movie theatre..its the middle of the night..and thoughts of this movie keep my mind from resting tonight. If you havent seen it, or were not planning on seeing it, I definitely reccomend it. This movie was incredibly done. To me, it had symbolism and connections between God and life. Alot of these connections were not vocally portrayed..but implied in many different ways. It makes you think..about life...and its meaning. Here are just a bit of impressions I have recieved--What is your purpose in life? Do you have one? And if you you know what is and how to go about finding it if you dont? Everything happens for a reason..NOT by chance. This I firmly believe. God has a hand in everything we do. If we choose...he can help us be an instrument in his hands to not only make a contribution to this world we live in..but actually save peoples lives. Maybe not as literal as in this movie..but spiritually, or mentally-we can save souls through God. We can help change peoples lives, in ways we never knew we could..and sometimes never know we do. Are we fullfilling our callings? Or are we letting barriers, hardships, and turmoil of the heart and soul bring us down, or blind us entirely from the bigger picture? The picture God has painted for us clearly, if we are opened to seeing it. It is amazing to me how much a situation, an accidental cause, a misdemeanor.. can change the very view, the very path, and the very life someone is living. What ais also thought provoking to me, is how God works through others to help us see things we do not see ourselves. How HIS miracles are all around us and all we have to do is be opened to changing our viewpoint and we see it..clear as day. Sometimes we have to let go...before we can find what we need to, or see what we need to. But when we do, he is right there. He helps us. He can work through he works through others to help us..and ultimately is in the inner workings of every human being and creation on this earth. Find your purpose in this beautifully created life weve been given. Even if it hurts to take the steps to get there. Take them. Strongly. Fearlessly. BE and DO what you were MEANT to do, and have the faith and will power to actually do it. We all have a purpose we all need to fullfill. Its different for each person..and the path the get there is different. But in the end..its not about how many people you touched...but HOW you touched them. That is what truly matters.

Friday, July 30, 2010

A few thoughts of my own...


Beauty isn't just from the surface of what one sees,
it's what's inside one's soul, or the meaning beyond.
Beauty is and always will be, in the eye of the beholder.
What is considered truly beautiful to you?
...something as simple as a look, a smile, a touch,
a literal being beside you,
or the dark stillness of the night looking towards the brightness of the moon...
Anything can be beautiful, if it is looked upon in the right way.
Sitting upon a rock, looking out into the distance of a neighborhood,
Driving...vastly unaware of the noise that surrounds you,
Feeling the rythym of music fill up your being,
Starring at a picture, incoming memories floating to the surface,
A garden...colorful flowers cascading,
Walking the beach, or the beautiful greenery of the countryside.
A love of a sister, a parent, a friend, or a soul mate.
The way someone makes you feel in their presence.
A laugh...
Anything and everything can
Whats beautiful to YOU?

Encouraging qoutes...

-If a person wished to know thick misery, to expereince the trials that might well kill him, if a man or woman longs to endure hardship, heartache, loss and weretchedness, then let them simply sit in the unrighteousness, arrogant judgement of others. Arrogance is the sure path to tribulation and woeful sorrow. Mistakes scares us...ourhearts and our bodies, yes...but more oftehn our souls. Still, we can choose to learn from our sins and transgressions...and in our humble, repentant state...offer guidance to others...guidance that may help to avoid owning pain...or causing it. Perhaps our experience may heal the scars others carry...or prevent them altogether.
"The Tide Of The Mermaid Tears"

-God grant me the serenit
to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
New Blog is Up!! Will keep you all posted as I get the hang of it all :)