-If a person wished to know thick misery, to expereince the trials that might well kill him, if a man or woman longs to endure hardship, heartache, loss and weretchedness, then let them simply sit in the unrighteousness, arrogant judgement of others. Arrogance is the sure path to tribulation and woeful sorrow. Mistakes scares us...ourhearts and our bodies, yes...but more oftehn our souls. Still, we can choose to learn from our sins and transgressions...and in our humble, repentant state...offer guidance to others...guidance that may help to avoid owning pain...or causing it. Perhaps our experience may heal the scars others carry...or prevent them altogether.
"The Tide Of The Mermaid Tears"
-God grant me the serenitto accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
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