Thursday, August 26, 2010

BE who YOU are. BE who YOU want to be. And DONT let ANYONE have the power or influence to change YOU as you choose to be. Always with God at your side.

This is something that I am learning...its hard to come to grips with, and its hard when your a people pleaser, a goody good doer, and just want to obey everyone around you, ESPECIALLY when they are those that you love and care about. want to be what everyone else wants you to be. You want to be loved and adored by everyone. So you limit what you know, and what you desire, for that gratification. Other times, you want to be independent and do anything and everything that YOU want to do, not caring what the girl next store thinks of you. You state all your thoughts and opinions, no matter who's listening. These, I think, are both two unhealthy extremes. We need to show dignity, poise, and respect for those that we love around us, but yet choose whom we will become, the way we want to think, feel, and act-creating our own opinions, and coming to our own conclusions. Mind you, all of this, is with God at the center. We cant do it all alone, and we need that guidance of goodness and righteousness in our lives. But overall, we need to be us, as we see fit.
Something else I have noticed since I moved away from home a few weeks that alot of my thoughts, opinions, and knowledge has been learned or gained through my family, epsecially my parents. I'm not saying this as a negative thing. I'm simply stating that that is how I have been raised. I have had a few people since then ask my opinions on a few things. I sit back and think.. "what DO I really believe on that? I know what my parents have taught me to think or believe on that subject matter, but what do I believe?" Granted I have been a very independent girl for many years in my home. I have my opinions on things that I gained for myself, that would take alot of facts for me to consider changing. But there is still some things, that you grow up learning and knowing from your parents mouth, that when they no longer have that power or influence on have to ultimately decide for YOU what YOU want to think and believe on the matter. Some are clear- laws, rules, docterine of knowledge-and those are things you CANT change, you just decide whether you believe it or not. But other things-create a whole new world of looking at things, providing an open doorway of opportunities for you to grow, for you to define yourself, and define what you want out of life. Its a major eye opener, and a key to your mortal existence.

If we care about others we will always consider their thoughts and view points, feedback and opinions. We wont become so self sustained that we become close minded to the ways we created ourselves to think and do. BUT we will find balance...become who we want and create our own destiny by our own path, with love, and dignity, and a heart turned to who ultimately helps define who we are...God.

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