BE who YOU are. BE who YOU want to be. And DONT let ANYONE have the power or influence to change YOU as you choose to be. Always with God at your side.
This is something that I am learning...its hard to come to grips with, and its hard when your a people pleaser, a goody good doer, and just want to obey everyone around you, ESPECIALLY when they are those that you love and care about. want to be what everyone else wants you to be. You want to be loved and adored by everyone. So you limit what you know, and what you desire, for that gratification. Other times, you want to be independent and do anything and everything that YOU want to do, not caring what the girl next store thinks of you. You state all your thoughts and opinions, no matter who's listening. These, I think, are both two unhealthy extremes. We need to show dignity, poise, and respect for those that we love around us, but yet choose whom we will become, the way we want to think, feel, and act-creating our own opinions, and coming to our own conclusions. Mind you, all of this, is with God at the center. We cant do it all alone, and we need that guidance of goodness and righteousness in our lives. But overall, we need to be us, as we see fit.
Something else I have noticed since I moved away from home a few weeks that alot of my thoughts, opinions, and knowledge has been learned or gained through my family, epsecially my parents. I'm not saying this as a negative thing. I'm simply stating that that is how I have been raised. I have had a few people since then ask my opinions on a few things. I sit back and think.. "what DO I really believe on that? I know what my parents have taught me to think or believe on that subject matter, but what do I believe?" Granted I have been a very independent girl for many years in my home. I have my opinions on things that I gained for myself, that would take alot of facts for me to consider changing. But there is still some things, that you grow up learning and knowing from your parents mouth, that when they no longer have that power or influence on have to ultimately decide for YOU what YOU want to think and believe on the matter. Some are clear- laws, rules, docterine of knowledge-and those are things you CANT change, you just decide whether you believe it or not. But other things-create a whole new world of looking at things, providing an open doorway of opportunities for you to grow, for you to define yourself, and define what you want out of life. Its a major eye opener, and a key to your mortal existence.
If we care about others we will always consider their thoughts and view points, feedback and opinions. We wont become so self sustained that we become close minded to the ways we created ourselves to think and do. BUT we will find balance...become who we want and create our own destiny by our own path, with love, and dignity, and a heart turned to who ultimately helps define who we are...God.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
......if ONLY....
Just for fun!! :) In LOVE with this song...if only guys really shared these types of thoughts with us...the world of women would be a better place... :) haha
"Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her, she wont believe me
And its so, its so, sad to think she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think its so sexy
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Oh you know, you know, you know Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for, then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking If you look okay..You know I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
The way you are, The way you are
Girl you're amazing... Just the way you are
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are"
"Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her, she wont believe me
And its so, its so, sad to think she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think its so sexy
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Oh you know, you know, you know Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for, then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking If you look okay..You know I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
The way you are, The way you are
Girl you're amazing... Just the way you are
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are"
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
Not much can really be altered to make this quote any more clear, or more profound to me, but I do want to expound a little bit on what it means to me.
Have you ever heard of different love languages? And how each and every person has a different love language that they recieve love? This may come to shock someone, but not everyone feels love in the same way. And not enough people know that. There are five languages-words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Obviously each person has a little bit of some of these, if not all of these. But typcially one dominates over the rest, and THAT becomes YOUR love language, the way you feel and recieve love from other people. This quote happens to imply most of these. A touch-physical, a kind word or honest compliment-words of affirmation, act of caring-service, and a listening ear-quality time spent. Thats one of the main reasons I LOVE this quote because it hits most of the love languages, and I LOVE love languages. I personally feel like every single person, if recieves love in the way they need it, can be influenced more than anything else in this world. Just like this quote says, something a small as those little things mentioned, has the potential to change a life. Love- in whichever way, shape, or form it is performed, can change life. Love is a way of doing and being, not just a way of feeling. Its an action word. We all know this. The lowest person, the most difficult person, if shown love in the right way, can completely become a person of high spirits and the easiest person to be around. Someone hard heartened or hurt or angry, can become softened, healed, or at peace. I firmly believe that love is the strongest most powerful influencer in this world. It molds us-whether we have it or we dont-to who we will become and stay for the rest of our lives. Never underestimate the power of love-which comes in all shapes and forms. Never doubt whether someone needs or wants to recieve love. They do. Whether ever admitted to the conscious mind...they always do. Love, and be loved.
Not much can really be altered to make this quote any more clear, or more profound to me, but I do want to expound a little bit on what it means to me.
Have you ever heard of different love languages? And how each and every person has a different love language that they recieve love? This may come to shock someone, but not everyone feels love in the same way. And not enough people know that. There are five languages-words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Obviously each person has a little bit of some of these, if not all of these. But typcially one dominates over the rest, and THAT becomes YOUR love language, the way you feel and recieve love from other people. This quote happens to imply most of these. A touch-physical, a kind word or honest compliment-words of affirmation, act of caring-service, and a listening ear-quality time spent. Thats one of the main reasons I LOVE this quote because it hits most of the love languages, and I LOVE love languages. I personally feel like every single person, if recieves love in the way they need it, can be influenced more than anything else in this world. Just like this quote says, something a small as those little things mentioned, has the potential to change a life. Love- in whichever way, shape, or form it is performed, can change life. Love is a way of doing and being, not just a way of feeling. Its an action word. We all know this. The lowest person, the most difficult person, if shown love in the right way, can completely become a person of high spirits and the easiest person to be around. Someone hard heartened or hurt or angry, can become softened, healed, or at peace. I firmly believe that love is the strongest most powerful influencer in this world. It molds us-whether we have it or we dont-to who we will become and stay for the rest of our lives. Never underestimate the power of love-which comes in all shapes and forms. Never doubt whether someone needs or wants to recieve love. They do. Whether ever admitted to the conscious mind...they always do. Love, and be loved.
Monday, August 16, 2010
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfull upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." -Alexander Graham Bell
How often do we feel this way? I know I do...quite regularly actually. And it feels SO legitimate as you feel it. But is it right? Is it good? NOT AT ALL. haha. We are so often stuck on that which does not happen...that door which closed, never to be reopened. We sit and ponder and play over and over again in our minds the "what if's" and the "maybes"or the "why's" or "how comes" that we can completely miss what is right in front of our faces. The TRUE blessing. The REAL door that is OPEN to us for unsurmountable possibilities. Its almost like a trap. A negative black hole that sucks us in, to wallow, mope, feel let down, unencouraged, and very weary of hope and goodness. What happens when this consumes us? We get down on ourselves...we start loosing who WE are. But what about those open doors? How do we see them? We let GO of the past...we let go of hurt, anger, disappointment, resentment, or whatever feelings that come to our desires being crushed. Sometimes our will, our desires, our hopes in life, are not what God has in store for us. Sometimes, we THINK we know what will make us happy, and we pray to receive it, but when it doesnt happen, we loose faith or hope because our wishes are not granted. We think...God wants us to be happy, WHY can he not just grant me this ONE wish?? Its because HE is in control. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what will end up blessing us and making us eternally happy in the grand spectrum of life. He will never leave us alone in the dark...if a door closes...its because it was meant to close. There was a reason behind the door closing. We may not always find out that reason, but eventually we will realize the blessing behind the door being locked shut. And then, we will become more aware of the blessing of the open door that IS right in front of us..waiting for us to turn the knob. We must look forward. Not look back. Not stand still. But directly in front of us, to see what is next. To have that next chapter in our life that will open us to a whole new view. There is good, and there is bad. One door may unlock truth and light, and another may unfold hurt and trial from being unresolved. Every door is a blessing. Which one will you choose to focus on?
How often do we feel this way? I know I do...quite regularly actually. And it feels SO legitimate as you feel it. But is it right? Is it good? NOT AT ALL. haha. We are so often stuck on that which does not happen...that door which closed, never to be reopened. We sit and ponder and play over and over again in our minds the "what if's" and the "maybes"or the "why's" or "how comes" that we can completely miss what is right in front of our faces. The TRUE blessing. The REAL door that is OPEN to us for unsurmountable possibilities. Its almost like a trap. A negative black hole that sucks us in, to wallow, mope, feel let down, unencouraged, and very weary of hope and goodness. What happens when this consumes us? We get down on ourselves...we start loosing who WE are. But what about those open doors? How do we see them? We let GO of the past...we let go of hurt, anger, disappointment, resentment, or whatever feelings that come to our desires being crushed. Sometimes our will, our desires, our hopes in life, are not what God has in store for us. Sometimes, we THINK we know what will make us happy, and we pray to receive it, but when it doesnt happen, we loose faith or hope because our wishes are not granted. We think...God wants us to be happy, WHY can he not just grant me this ONE wish?? Its because HE is in control. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what will end up blessing us and making us eternally happy in the grand spectrum of life. He will never leave us alone in the dark...if a door closes...its because it was meant to close. There was a reason behind the door closing. We may not always find out that reason, but eventually we will realize the blessing behind the door being locked shut. And then, we will become more aware of the blessing of the open door that IS right in front of us..waiting for us to turn the knob. We must look forward. Not look back. Not stand still. But directly in front of us, to see what is next. To have that next chapter in our life that will open us to a whole new view. There is good, and there is bad. One door may unlock truth and light, and another may unfold hurt and trial from being unresolved. Every door is a blessing. Which one will you choose to focus on?
Friday, August 13, 2010
My girlfriend found these quotes and shared them with me and I just loved them, so I had to post. Hopefully one is encouraging to someone out there! There just goofy and a bit uplifting :)
Just know...whoever you are, whoever you may be, and whatever your circumstances, there is ALWAYS hope in love. Some how...some way. Believe in yourself, and believe in God's plan for YOU. Enjoy!
-"It hurts so much to see you move on so quickly. So tell me...have you promised her forever yet?"
-My head says, "who cares". But then my heart whispers, "you do, stupid."
-You were never a waste of time. You were just a harsh realization that I could do better.
-We improve our looks, not our minds because we know guys are stupid...not blind.
-You cant be old and wise, if you were never young and crazy.
-Best friends are like fairtales, they've been there since once upon a time and they'll be there till the very end.
-It's not up to me anymore. If you want me in your life, you'll find a way to put me there. (and keep me there)
-I just need a boy to come up, give me a hug, and say I'm sorry most of my gender sucks.
-Some of the greater things in life are unseen.. thats why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...
-It takes 3 seconds to say I love you..3 hours to explain it..and a lifetime to prove it.
-It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to love someone, but a lifetime to forget someone.
Just know...whoever you are, whoever you may be, and whatever your circumstances, there is ALWAYS hope in love. Some how...some way. Believe in yourself, and believe in God's plan for YOU. Enjoy!
-"It hurts so much to see you move on so quickly. So tell me...have you promised her forever yet?"
-My head says, "who cares". But then my heart whispers, "you do, stupid."
-You were never a waste of time. You were just a harsh realization that I could do better.
-We improve our looks, not our minds because we know guys are stupid...not blind.
-You cant be old and wise, if you were never young and crazy.
-Best friends are like fairtales, they've been there since once upon a time and they'll be there till the very end.
-It's not up to me anymore. If you want me in your life, you'll find a way to put me there. (and keep me there)
-I just need a boy to come up, give me a hug, and say I'm sorry most of my gender sucks.
-Some of the greater things in life are unseen.. thats why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...
-It takes 3 seconds to say I love you..3 hours to explain it..and a lifetime to prove it.
-It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to love someone, but a lifetime to forget someone.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
So it is about 2.5 hours I will be moving out of my house. Leaving the nest, as people say. This big decision in my life has lead to alot of thoughts and new ways to grow, that I know will continue from this point forward. Im nervous..never been on my own before, but I know that the Lord will help me every step of the way, and that this is what Im supposed to be doing right now. Sometimes, we have to take big steps, leaps even, to do what the Lord asks to succeed. I dont know why I felt prompted like I did, but Im glad I did, and I cant wait to see all the new learning experiences the Lord has in store for me. Sometimes things dont always make sense. Sometimes the answer is right in from of you and yet, it still feels confusing.
...uplifting thought from this...
Though we may not know where the road will carry us, with God by our side, every step of the way, guiding us to what we need to be doing, we WILL acheive success. However that road may take us. AND its never the way we plan or the way we want. But he knows whats best for us, better than we do. In the end, it will be worth it.
...uplifting thought from this...
Though we may not know where the road will carry us, with God by our side, every step of the way, guiding us to what we need to be doing, we WILL acheive success. However that road may take us. AND its never the way we plan or the way we want. But he knows whats best for us, better than we do. In the end, it will be worth it.
Monday, August 9, 2010
"Just to exsist-is a valid reason to posses absolute worth"
This was extremely powerful to me. Just by being, living, and breathing, we posses worth. We are defined, as human beings, as children of God, with the upmost assurance that we mean something. We are important, and ultimately we are loved by a greater love and power unknown to man. Food for thought... :)
This was extremely powerful to me. Just by being, living, and breathing, we posses worth. We are defined, as human beings, as children of God, with the upmost assurance that we mean something. We are important, and ultimately we are loved by a greater love and power unknown to man. Food for thought... :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Infinite Power of Hope
Hope is the answer to EVERYTHING in this life. Without hope...hope in our Savior...we have nothing. We are nothing. Hope. Believe. Know he is there, and know he is listening, even when all else seems lost. Hope is the infinite power of God.
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