Tuesday, April 16, 2013

“We must never lose sight of the strength of the women. … It is mothers who most directly affect the lives of their children. … It is mothers who nurture them and bring them up in the ways of the Lord. Their influence is paramount. …
“… They are the creators of life. They are the nurturers of children. They are the teachers of young women. They are our indispensable companions. They are our co-workers in building the kingdom of God. How great is their role, how marvelous their contribution.” -President Gordon B. Hinckley
This is a quote from our past beloved prophet...that really struck me. I don't know if its because Im about to become a mother myself, or if I feel strongly about this because of the influence of mothers I see around me, but it absolutely hit home for me. I feel, in society as it is today, we often forget or don't notice or devalue the influence of women-especially MOTHERS. I feel, it is because of that-our lack in valuing our mothers-that mothers aren't getting the proper notice, and therefore feel they aren't good enough in today's world. Not being able to juggle a hundred different things at once, and now try to do it ALL, resorting in more focus on worldly things, and less focus on the home and rearing children. Because of this...I feel that is why our continual generations of children...are becoming less and less respectful, strong, and ambitious. As mothers, its our duty to rear our children in the right things...and as President Hinckley stated, bring them up in the ways of the Lord. WE create life. WE nurture children. WE are the teachers. WE are the indispensable companions to our spouses. WE have a role in this life, and in the lives of those around us. If we realize how important our roles are as mothers, and the effect we CAN have, I think it will help us to want to encourage other mothers around us to feel the same way. And if all of us, as a group, as women of society, encourage each other into being the best mothers we can be, imagine how much stronger our children will turn out. We may not receive any validation or encouragement from the world. We may not be valued by being "just" a stay a home mom. We may even be looked down upon at not being a career women or having the best fit bodies or the cutest Pinterest house. But that is NOT our role, nor our calling. We were not given the power to procreate and bring life into this world just to focus on not being like the Jones's. We have a sacred obligation, and we need to stick together and lift each other up. Our influence is so powerful, it can make or break an entire generation-and the generations to come. IMAGINE how POWERFUL that IS. If only we truly understood the power within ourselves...like the Lord does. Love yourself, and your children enough to put the priorities of the Lord first. Thats what truly matters. That is what will bring more righteous children into the world, and that is what will make a difference.

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