Monday, July 30, 2012

Be Your BEST Self.

This blog has become my absolute favorite. I have read so many posts and I am truly obsessed. This one in particular is one I wanted to share on my own blog. Mara has a beautiful way of putting everything into perspective, and I love the step by step form of how to find the perfect you! Please check it out!!!

I have always wanted to focus on this topic. 
My favorite thing in the world is love, as anyone who knows me--its my theme of life. But love is such a general topic. I usually focus on love coming from our Savior Jesus Christ-how he is are all-and how he is what will get us to where we need to me. Without him...we are nothing. We need his love, as we need to love him. I also like to focus on loving others--this is where true growth comes from, when we can expand our love to the outside world. Especially with those that are hard to love. But today... and this year's theme, is going to be loving YOURSELF. I have found that all these focus's are correlated to each other. We obviously cant have one without the other. But from personal experience, we cant really fully learn to LOVE others and LOVE the Lord...until we first, love ourselves
The blog post link shares many different ways of being the best YOU. I agree wholeheartedly with everything that Mara shares. She took the words out of my mouth! But to get to the point of really focusing on wanting to grow is that desire within ourselves that she starts with. How do we gain a desire to want to love ourself better? If anyone is like me, this just sounds selfish off the bat! Love MYSELF better? haha But honestly...there is so much power behind that. If we cannot except ourselves the way we are, and want to strive to be better for US as individuals, why/how could we possibly deeply love other people, when we dont even want/or think we need to love ourselves? We cant. Finding a happy silent confidence within ourself is just the ticket. Knowing we have worth, we have something to offer to the world, and desiring to actually share that. Life is what YOU make of it. Not anyone else. Believe in yourself. Know you are capable of great, amazing things. Find that strength within you...and become the best version of YOU.

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