Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Power of Darkness

"Neither Satan nor any other power can destroy or undermine your growing character." -Elder Richard G. Scott "Beware the Tempation to retreat from a good thing (or a bad thing). If it was right when you prayed about it (or wrong) and trusted in it, it is right now." -Elder Jeffery R. Holland (my favorite apostle) -During my entire life, I have always been aware of the power that the adversary (or in other cases-evil, negativity, darkness, or Satan) has over us-it is very strong-especially for members of the true and living church on the earth. The closer you are to God, the stronger that power is, the more it increases temptation in your life. This I have experienced many times in my life. Three points I want to make concern this topic: 1. You are what you think you are-dont let the adversary allow you to believe anything differently. You are a choosen son/daughter of God, regardless of what you do, or your belief in him, or the life you choose to lead. YOU are part of his heavenly family. He created you in HIS image. We all have his light dwelling inside of us. We choose to believe that or not-but it is truth. The world will tell you anything to grab a hold of you and make you think you are worthless and nothing, if you arent "this mold" that the world has created. If you arent a size zero and have flawless skin, and can achieve the impossible-you arent a desired woman to the world. If you dont have muscles the size of boulders and can have a successful career making millions- you arent an appealing man to the world. This is FALSE. You are who you are because God created you that way. WHO you are is much more important than what you look like or how successful you can become. GROW to become more like him, every single day. LOVE yourself the way he does. Walk around in life knowing that you are priceless. Your worth is GREAT in the sight of God, and THAT is what matters. 2. Turn to God in times of decision. However small or undermining that decision may seem-it could ultimately alter your entire life. If he says no, dont do it. If he says yes, do it-no questions asked. Have a relationship with him, TRUST him, that he knows best-because HE DOES. If he says to not go to a certain party, or not date a certain person, or to stay home instead of going out, LISTEN TO IT. If he says yes..I want you to do --blank-- or go to school --here--or whatever...DONT question it. Act. Every time we try to take control of our own lives-it never ends the way we want to. Most often times, it ends in a lot of heartache, betrayal, sadness, hurt, or guilt. This is a very hard thing to do at times, especially when you do not understand the meaning behind whatever answer is given. But in the end-the reason will be known and it will bless your life. This too I have experienced many times in my life. Believe in him, and allow him to guide you to reach your fullest potential. 3. Pray to always have God's spirit with you. It can be the only thing to save you from a bad choice, or the dark moments of sadness, or negative actions. In the lowest of low moments of your life, the only thing to help you through is God. Sometimes he works through other people-and grants you with a friend to show up randomly at your door. Sometimes he comforts you with words from a song that you were inspired to listen to. Sometimes...his spirit is there, to hold you and be with you while you cry. No matter what way, he is always there. He never leaves us. And if we choose it, he will always show his love in whatever way he chooses to grant us with it. ~Be aware of God's love. Of your worth. Of Satans power. Of the constant need to have goodness and spirituality lifting you upward. His strength. His peace. And..his blessings.