Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Time. Choices. Productivity.

Time is NEVER a waste. No matter how it is spent, or what you choose to do....no matter what your definition of "fullfillment" looks like. No matter the choices that are compiled, or the mistakes that have been made. No matter how many hours, days, weeks, months, or even years are spent on patiently waiting for answers to prayers. Everything happens for a reason. There is always a season for everything. "Time" is irrelevant. What you choose to MAKE of the time that is given to you here on earth, is what is most important.

Every moment, whether positive or negative, can be a good thing. Can lead you down the path that you were MEANT to be on. Its always a learning experience in the making. You cant make a wrong choice. Only BAD choices. Because every choice you choose to make, leads you to where you need to be. There is always a good path to take from a bad decision. Doesnt ever mean it was wrong. It wasnt. It lead you to the NEXT choice. Thats all life is. Choices. Choosing to be happy, choosing a career, choosing who to love, choosing who to hate, or even choosing to envy or hold harsh feelings towards others. Everything is a choice.

How productive you choose to be, also, does not always matter. In the world's point of view, staying busy, always having a task to do, or a place to be, or even steps to a certain goal, is what makes you a productive person. How far you go in life, is what creates you, who you are, and the reputation you should desire. This is all FALSE. You can sit, in an empty room, alone, and have the biggest break-through within yourself that could ultimately change your life forever. You can lay down and read book after book, and gain more information and knowledge about life than if you traveled the world. You can sit and watch people, and understand human nature, better than the best schools could teach you. You can have lived a good fullfilled life, with no extended education, living in a shack- but having the best atittude, creating the best relationships, and being the greatest example to all those around you...you can create the most honoring reputation than any scholar could have ever had.

What you choose to MAKE of your time...the type of person you CHOOSE to be, the choices you make at every single turn, whether those choices are positive or negative, and the growing moments you allow in your life...THAT is what counts, THAT is what matters most, and THAT is what will make ALL the difference.

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