Monday, July 11, 2011


I've been thinking back on many moments in my life recently...and it has allowed me to come to a realization and even MORE of a comfirmation that everything truly does happen for a reason, and its all apart of God's plan. It is often times hard to believe this. Many times...we have moments in our lives of doubt, confusion, misunderstanding, or even self pity and sadness-feeling as if God isnt listening to our prayers, things arent happening right or the way they should, or the famous lines that we confine ourselves to of "life isnt fair". This is completely and 100% false. Though it is ridiculously easy to give into and believe this idea. Every moment in our lives...whether good or bad...happy or sad...tough or literally ALL apart of God's plan.

Every step you take, every decision you make, every incident and experience thrusted upon you, is all apart of the bigger picture. Those moments get you to now. Here. And THAT is beautiful. THAT... is powerful. Life in this moment. The capacity to do miraclous live outrageous and life changing experiences...the freedom and ability to choose, and make choices...the unlimited possibilities. Incredible moments. You cant change WHAT has happened to you. You cant change choices you make last week or a year ago. You cant determine or predict what will happen tomorrow. But you can live for today. You can make choices for yourself today. You can change whatever you want today. can make every moment matter...every moment cherished. People, come and go in our lives. They can hurt you and they can move you. Situations always change. Friendships can be made and taken away. Jobs can be given and lost. Health can be good and bad. There can be trials and there can be blessings. But every moment spent in whatever way, leads you to now. Grows you. Moves you. Changes you. Strengthens you. And allows you the opportunity to be exactly what you want to be, and exactly what God wants you to be. Think back on your life...what would you change? I wouldnt change a thing. Its brought me to this moment. And this moment is exactly where I should be. Unlimited possibilities.

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