Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011
Something New.
Take this heart of mine-shape it into your desire.
Love me, accept me, prove me.
Show me all the life lessons I need to acquire.
Along this road, that we call life.
One step in front of the other.
Struggling, learning, growing.
Allowing our bodies and minds to fully strive.
Access to another world. Another perspective. Another mind. Dont miss a beat, or you could fall desperately behind.
Focus. Stay on track. Dont loose hope.
Misinterpretation, misguided...always leads to growth.
Taking a breath. Breathing...in and out. Never understanding what this life is all about.
Don't loose faith...along this road. Words unspoken..life changing-untold.
All we have is the day up ahead.
New experience. Learning from past mistakes. Disappointments.
Yeseterday-rejection. Today-new direction. Tomorrow-can lead to perfection.
This is all we need. A new day ahead...along this road...accumulating perfection...quite magnificent indeed.