This scripture is profound to me. I love everything that it means. The strongest impression I wanted to emphasize on was the LIGHT affliction with the WEIGHT of glory. Isnt it interesting to think that through our Savior, his atoning sacrifice, and through the salvation of God...our afflictions, or burdens, or sufferings can be made light...while our GLORY, or ability to obtain glory, is a weight, or symbolized as heavy. I dont think this meant to be portrayed as a bad thing that will carry you downward. I think it means something to keep you firm and true-in knowing the glory that can be given to you, if you choose it. I think of it this way: when you buy balloons...often times you purchase a little heavy weight to hold the balloons from flying all over the place, to keep them there, together, united, and beautifully synced while floating in the air. Its the same way with us-our testimonies-and our spirituality. Knowing that we can obtain God's Glory is our weight, keeping us afloat and not drifting us away into worldly things...things that dont matter..and things that wont get us back to where our ultimate goal is. With this knowledge-our afflictions can be made light. Keeping things in an eternal perspective can allow us to see whats in front of us NOW, as a stepping stone onto our path that leads us to glory, instead of a boulder blocking our way to anywhere but misery. God truly is aware of us. If we choose to follow him, he will guide us and make it easier, than if we had done it all ourselves. We dont understand everything...often times, we dont understand anything. But he knows. And he is leading us exactly to where we need to be. We must trust in that. In his goodness. In his glory. In his love.